Over 1,000 MMA athletes file suit against Dana White's UFC

One would think that companies like the PFL or Bellator would be the ones filing a law suit against the Ultimate fighting Championship (UFC) but the fighters are the ones who stepped up. About 1,200 MMA professionals have filed this law suit against Dana White and the UFC for allegedly using different type sof illegal busienss practices. These acts have resulted in multiple fighters struggling to make a living out of the sport due to the UFC's constant harrassment and obstruction. A class action law suit that was antually started nearly ten years ago but was certified today, August 9. Many fighters are presenting their individual cases of illegal techniques used by the UFC in order to monopolize dominance in the market.
Dana White hasn't responded to the class action lawsuit yet
UFC Preident Dana White still hasn't responded to this class action law suit but he is being accused of these practices that have also resulted in severe underpay for fighters throughout the years. There are three specific aspects of this law suit of which the UFC and Dana White are being accused of. The most important one is the creation and abuse of oppressive contracts, which have resulted in multiple disagreements between White and many fighters over the years. As an organization, the UFC is being accused of using ruthless tactics outside of those oppressive contracts in order to keep fighters from enjoying a free agency.
Last but not least, the court did find that Dana White's UFC is monopolizing the sport by buying out competition in order to present fighters with fewer choices to make their career grow. Currently, Bellator and the PFL are too big for the UFC to absorve but their fate could be different if they were smaller promotions. Over the decades, Dana White has made it his mission to eliminate other companies such as World Fighting Alliance, World Extreme Cagefighting, Pride Fighting Champuionship, and Strikeforce completely unchecked. There is no way of telling if this class action lawsuit will affect the world of MMA in any significat manner yet.
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