Kansas City Chiefs fans are outraged over question at Patrick Mahomes over his brother

Unfortunately for Patrick Mahomes, being a public figure makes him an easy target for reporters who want to get that click from a headline. In his personal life, Mahomes is currently going through a serious problem with brother Jackson. Over the last few months, he has already been both accused and caught sexually assaulting two different women. Jackson was already arrested once and the other victim is currently going through a trial against the younger of the Mahomes brothers. The situation is already extremely delicate for the entire Mahomes family and Patrick clearly was trying to avoid talking about it for as long as possible.
His response finally arrived on Thursday, when a reporter asked him and got a politically correct response. But Kansas City Chiefs fans weren't happy with that reporter, they wanted him to get fired or have a little more sensibility when asking questions to their quarterback.. It was obvious that a ournalist would ask Patrick Mahomes about his brother eventually, but fans don't like hearing about stuff that is not related to the team. As a public figure, peolpe like Patrick Mahomes are held to a higher standard with society. There is this idea that they are the ones who set the example for younger generations and they need to have this squeaky clean image. Many hoped Patrick would speak up againt his brother's actions but the QB wanted to do nothing with that.
Is Patrick Mahomes' decision the best for his career?
Not all world-class athletes decide to engage with things that are happening outside of their own world. There are plenty of examples of some of the most important names in sports who loved having a low profile. We can consider Patrick Mahomes in a similar vein because he's never been one who speaks up about any issue anyway. Even if he ever gets to Tom Brady levels of fame, the best possible route to his career is to steer clear from trouble where he can't do anything to create too much change. Perhaps he could use his platform to raise awareness on many topics but staying clear is also a smart option.
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