Black Friday 2021: Shooting at mall in North Carolina injures at least three

Black Friday shopping just got dark with a person getting shot in a crowded North Carolina mall called Southpoint in Durham County. Reports of shots fired in the vicinity made law inforcement officers attend the scene as quickly as possible. It has been confirmed that at least three people have been shot but there is no further threat at the mall, making this an isolated incident. However, the gun detonations did cause panic inside the mall in a day where hindreds of people attended for Black Friday shopping. As soon as the incident happened, the mall announced it will remain closed until further notice on its official website. There have been no reports of casualties thus far.
Due to the chaos that caused this shooting, WRAL-TV showed a massive traffic jam outside the mall with dozens of cars trying to leave the vicinity due to mass panic. Several police cars with flashing lights were also spotted outside of a department store, where the shooting presumably happened. According to reports from AP, crowds of people began running for their lives as soon as the gun shots were heard. This was preceded by an apparent heated argument between a group of individuals that ended with three of them getting shot.
Black Friday mayhem.
As it tends to happen often, Black Friday can get a little heated with people trying to get the best deals in person. Despite the global pandemic, United States citizens still attended malls and stores trying to get their early holiday shopping. There always tends to be an incident like this one where people get in fights or altercations for various reasons. This is a developing story that will be updated as soon as new information emerges.
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