Premier League Sides Set to Step Up Return Plans

Football in England has been called off since the 13th of March, due to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus within the UK, and the Premier League’s governing body is rumoured to want the play to resume in June, should the situation get under control.
Despite the country’s relatively initially high death rate from the virus, the toll has lowered in recent weeks, prompting speculation that lockdown measures could gradually begin to be eased.
All games are likely to be played without spectators behind closed doors should the resumption of the season go ahead, but medical professionals are still undecided as to whether this could pose a threat to the player’s health and safety.
Other scenarios that have been touted as an alternative to continuing the current football season are ending it outright and awarding team’s league titles and relegations based on the current standings, in addition to rendering it “null and void”, and starting afresh with a clean slate when it is safe to do so.
The British Government still has to give the all-clear for any professional sports tournaments in the country to resume and is currently monitoring Coronavirus infection and death rates to gauge whether the situation is improving.
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