French UFC Fighter KOs Brit Rival With Amazing ‘Rolling Thunder’ Kick - Video

MMA star and British former lightweight division ultimate fighting champion Ross Pearson saw his hopes for a comeback dashed on Saturday after Davy Gallon knocked him out in spectacular fashion with a heel kick to the face during the third round of their fight at Probellum 1.
The move, called the “rolling thunder,” caught Pearson off-guard, with the ninja-style kick leaving the event’s commentators shocked, with one simply commenting “Oh s***!” and a second screaming at the top of his lungs “Goodness me! I don’t even know what to call that!”
Users described the kick as like a finishing move out of Mortal Kombat, with some pondering if it was the “best finish in Probellum history,” with others suggesting that perhaps Pearson would have been better off if he had “stayed retired.”
Even Pearson’s fans had to give it up to Gallon, saying it was “the KO of the year for sure.”
As a fan of Ross Pearson from the TUF days, that KO was hard to watch.
But take a bow Davy Gallon. That’s the KO of the year for sure.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone pull off a rolling thunder kick before and KO someone with it.
— Chisanga Malata (@Chisanga_Malata) 16 ноября 2019 г.
Others recalled the use of the technique in previous fights, or made jokes about the ko’s implications for the centuries-old British vs. French rivalry.
The loss was the veteran Pearson’s third consecutive defeat. The fighter has a record of 20 wins in his long, 38 fight career. Saturday’s bout improved Gallon’s stats to 17 wins, seven losses and two draws.
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