Russian Boxer Has Part of Skull Removed After Sustaining Ring Injury – Report

Russian boxer Maxim Dadashev had part of his skull removed during brain surgery following a crushing defeat sustained at the hands of Puerto Rico’s Subriel Matias of Friday, ESPN reported.
“Maxim Dadashev went through a two hour surgery for a subdural hematoma. A part of his skull was taken out (for the swelling). He is now in the recovery area. Long term prognosis is not known,” ESPN’s Steve Kim tweeted.
Dadashev, 28, was taken to the University of Maryland Hospital in Prince George County, Maryland, after he left the ring with assistance and was taken from the arena on a stretcher.
According to ESPN, Dadashev suffered a brain bleed on his right side. Dadashev’s neurosurgeon reportedly said that the boxer was showing signs of severe brain damage. The exact extent of the damage is unknown, but it is said that people who suffer similar hematomas can recover.
Until Friday, Dadashev was unbeatable and had suffered no defeats, a Russian media report said. The St. Petersburg-born boxer had all his fights in the US.
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